My point of view: The Pat a cake Girl

We all have met or known atleast one Pat a cake girl in our lives. Well I call them that anyway, I will now take time to explain exactly who these woman are:

A Pat a cake is like cookie dough strong enough to keep it together but it is easy for them to shape themselves into any shape.

These woman tend to end up making a fruit cake out of most couples: straight, bi and gay alike. I am certain their sole purpose is to stir and make trouble for happy couples.

First they are friendly, then over-friendly then they become super sweet. They say the right words and their personality blossoms. Now they start with the physical stuff like hugs or small gestures like hanging on our shoulders whenever they stand next to us.

They also don't have a time span which means they can do all of the above within one day after meeting you. Sure we don't mind because we are tolerant and sometimes the extra attention is appreciated.

When they see a happy straight couple they decide to infiltrate by flirting with the male. Making sure they get attention from him, but without him touching her she runs to his wife with the story that her husband wants more from her.

They fight, she likes it and move on, then all of a sudden she announces she is gay. She starts the game from the beginning again and ends up loving it when they fight over her.

By the time the fight hasn't even started yet, the females in her web is running like mad cows, trying to figure out how to approach their lovers about this woman. Then the fighting really starts and the females are declared even more insane as well as overprotective and jealous.

The Pat a cake girl enjoys all of this. We do not know why they do this or the motive but I am sure these women, after breaking up a relationship, will not stick around your ex lover, they will rather head for their next victim.

So how do we deal with these predators; we keep our eyes open and when we find them doing something inappropriate we tell them to back off without causing a scene. Handle them with care be polite but don't become their BFF's its easier for them then to cause trouble in your relationship.

So to all the Pat a cakes out there we might look blind, but just remember we keep a hawk's eye on you. Remember what goes around comes around! Let happy couples be and maybe get a relationship of your own.

 Written by Mart

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