Guest Writer: “Love & other Drugs”


Noun: An intense feeling of deep affection: "their love for their country".

Verb: Feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone): "do you love me?”

Synonyms: Noun. affection - fondness - darling - passion Verb. like - be fond of - fancy - adore

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” Aristotle

I’ve always been a fan of love. Romantic love, friendship love, passionate love, love for material things, making love – You name it. Growing older I had my highs and lows, been on top of the world, got my heart shattered into a million little pieces, broke some hearts along the way, patched it up again, learning all the little facets of love. I can with all honesty say it’s been one hell of a ride
For a while I vowed to never fall in love again. I did not want the drama and the bullshit and the headaches and clichés and everything that accompanied love in general, I did not want it. The clichés made me sick to my stomach, the adorable couples on Facebook had me cringing and I did not understand why people would willingly walk into a death-trap, smiling, like a goat high on bath salts. I labelled them stupid, idiotic, weaklings…

So, a while ago, high on my egotistical power trip of anti-love ruling my little fucked up reality and gloating in my ignorance, I met a girl. Yes, I met the girl that turned it all around for me.

Now, a couple of months later, happy as can be with Miss Magical – I get it. I totally get it. I get the soppy love songs, the Hollywood clichés, the sweet nothings… I was the idiot.
I once had to write an essay on “What is Love”. Boy oh boy did I fuck that up. Knowing what I know now it’s not all moonlight and roses. Far from it. You want to know what true love is?
It’s when you look at her and you see a reflection of your own soul. You can feel what she feels even if you are separated by distance. It’s when you are totally hooked on her and it stays that way. You feel comfortable around each other. It’s when you can fight like you're married, and by that I mean tell her to fuck-off and even throw the kitchen sink at each other, going the whole nine yards but still stick around. Love is war. It’s when you can talk for hours like best friends, the topic is irrelevant, just talk and laugh and have the best time ever. Love is when all the lust calms down and you can still flirt like first loves and actually bloom from it. Love is craving for your partner like a deranged hooker craves for crack. Love is a million little things coming together; I can go on for hours and annoy anyone willing to listen.
For you ladies out there wanting to give up on your quest for love, don’t; miracles happen when you least expect it. Nurture it, fight for it, give your all and love your lady like nothing else matters… She’s worth it.
Thank you van Raay, I love you.

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