Build BRIDGES and get over it!

Sunette Bridges, South African singer, and daughter of the late Afrikaans music icon, Bles Bridges, is constantly in hot water because of rantings on her social media platforms. She’s in the press every now and then because of her alleged right wing views and racist remarks but this time she allegedly chose to have a go at the gay community for fighting for our rights.

Bridges allegedly went on to say:

Nou gaan ek seker behoorlik op die stapel gebrand word, maar DIE besigeheid is vir my Grieks...

Dis erg genoeg dat jy NIE deesdae mag verklaar jy is TROTS BLANK nie, want dan is jy mos 'n Rassis, maar "nevermaaind" daai gedoente... Jy mag ook nie verklaar jy is TROTS Hetroseksueel nie... Ons het nie eers geweet ons is veronderstel
om dit te verklaar nie! ...ons "is" maar net...

Nou word ons elke liewe dag gekonfronteer met nog iemand wat MOET bieg hy is TROTS Homoseksueel!

Slaat my met 'n nat vis! Ons verstaan!!!! Ons mag nie oordeel nie... Ons moet dit aanvaar as deel van "hoe dit is"... ons moet weet daar is vlae en organisasies en optogte en betogings vir hierdie regte...

...maar my liewe GENADE! Hoekom dan so tekere gaan daaroor! Sien jy heeldag mense wat optogte te reël om te verklaar dat hulle "Straight" is? Reik ons al wat verklaring is uit om die wêreld se aandag daarop te vestig? Laat ontwerp ons vlae en hou optogte?

Aggeneeman! As jy NIE geoordeel wil word op grond van jou "Slaapkamersake" nie, hou tog op om dit in onse keelgatte af te druk!!!! Sx”

What this basically means is that she doesn’t get why gay people feel the need to shove their sexuality down her throat with our colorful flags and peaceful protests and she doesn’t get why we have to protest for our rights. Unfortunately, when I wanted to take a screenshot of her statement, she’d already removed it. But I do still feel the need to set her straight (Pardon the pun).

Firstly, congratulations on being heterosexual! No one said that you cannot be proud of that fact, I would be too. You can be openly affectionate towards the person you love in any country in the world and no one will ever persecute you for it! Further, you can easily adopt any child you like without anyone questioning what goes on in your bedroom AND you can marry whoever you like and the government, your place of employment, financial service providers and Joe public will recognise it without giving it a second thought.

Secondly, we are PROUDLY homosexual, because people like you, with your narrow minded bigotry, CAN and WILL not force us to live closetet lives in the shadows any more. Unlike you, we have fought a hard battle for decades to have the freedom to love openly and every now and then, we win battles to have the same BASIC freedoms as you straight folk do, and we are PROUD of that fact.

Lastly, the whole point of our flag and our protests are that people NOT judge us, in contradiction to your last statement. No one is forcing anything down your throat, least of all the gay community, because in case you haven’t heard, the boys don’t like girls, and the girls don’t have anything to shove down your throat. If everyone else kept their noses out of our bedrooms, the need for protest marches and rights organisations would be eradicated. But while lesbians are being raped, gay men beaten up and transgender individuals being mutilated just for being who they are, we WILL unite as one and make our voices heard by any means necessary. The same goes for our rights to marry the people we love and to be parents.

By your own admission on numerous occasions, our country is in crisis. And believe it or not, people like you, that only spread messages of intolerance makes the situation worse. It’s such a shame that someone who speaks out against violence such as farm murders and who donates copies of her albums so the proceeds may go to charity, feels the need to satisfy your audience with hate speech, racism and open bigotry. Go google yourself. Your career as a musician, and even your famous legacy is being overshadowed by the ugliness you choose to spit out on your social media platforms. If you don’t like what we do and the concept is “greek” to you, keep it to yourself and leave us in peace, we have done you no harm and we're not going anywhere any time soon.


  1. Just a thought maybe it was better when her mouth was closed?

  2. What I hate about people like that is that they think that we shouldn't have rights. We are fighting for equal rights. What is counts for the straight people should count for us as well because we are all human and would like to be treated that way. Its people like her that make the idiots believe that its fine to rape gay girls and that they can cure them that way. WTF is up with that? We are who we are and I'm VERY PROUD TO BE GAY!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have to say that my wife and i have been fighting for years to just b treated equal. My daughter was given to my ex husband because of my lesbian relationship! The family advocate, who presents our lovely government, told us they would come to our home before they make a decision but low and behold two months down the line , no call or visit , just a letter in the mail saying they have decided that it is in my childs best interest to live with her father. No investigation , not even a visit from the social worker, they just took my child away with no good reason. Now let that bridges woman come and ask me why we have to protest when they the "normal" people took my child away from me! Its disgusting how people want to judge when they have no idea what we have to go through. Its been four years now where i have to arrange to see my child, i dont abuse drugs or alcahol , i dont believe in spanking and have never been convicted of any crimes. I work and have a good home. But my child gets taken away . I wonder how people can get angry if one fights for our rights. We can protest and will easily march for animal rights but to her we are irritating???? Seriously look at your life , i think compared to mine , yours must be very boring. I am blessed to still see my child every other weekend and I have a wonderful wife who has been my pillar of strenght through every battle and we still come out tops. To all the lesbians and gays who fights for our rights every day, I thank you. Thank you very much.

  4. Loretta, please get in touch with us. We would like to hear your story. Please e-mail or
