From the Doc

THAT lesbian!

It's been a while since my last article, but I'm back now. I needed some time to reflect upon society and I found a couple of things that really grate me. So in the next couple of weeks I will share with you all my gripes with the world around us and warn you of the dangers of specific elements starting with the first devil's poison of our culture and that is, THAT lesbian.

THAT lesbian is a term commonly used to descibe the sort of unsavoury dyke that makes a nuisance of herself wherever she goes and unfortunately people take note of this and compare all of us to this particular fungus. Here is a few examples of what THAT lesbian might be:

The straight chaser:

This thing seems to think she's god's gift to all womenkind and gets a kick out of "converting" straight girls. I dont think she ever really has but she's so full of herself (read low self esteem) that she needs to prove a point by making a nuisance of herself whenever a straight woman crosses her path. This is not good. 9 out of 10 times the straight girl will feel very uncomfortable and might even develop a fear of us and try and avoid our company at all costs. What they dont want to realise though is that they are making a total arse out of themselves and no straight woman would actually look at her twice.

The shitstirrer:

This one likes to make trouble with couples, for no good reason. Ordinary lesbians like myself might befriend the poor soul because she looks lonely and needs some companionship, not knowing that she doesnt have any friends because she's made so much trouble everywhere that no one else wants her around. She's the one that always sends your girlfriend text messages at inappropriate times, lies to you, makes stories up about your other friends and tries to turn your whole world upside down. It is not beyond her to make stories up about you either. Things like friendship, loyalty, integrity and respect means absolutely nothing to this troll and because she doesnt really have anything good going for her in her life she will try and rob you of everything good in your life too!

The greener grasser:

This one is particularly evil and very difficult so spot until it's too late. Yes, she wants to bang your woman! she will start off with a technique i affectionately call the channel. This means that she will try her best to convince you that she's your best friend and she has your best interests at heart. Don't fall for it. She will be your shoulder to cry on when you and your lady has a fight, she'll always back you up, and she'll even tell you what a nasty piece of work your woman is and that she doesnt deserve you. But all this time she wants your girl all to herself and using you to get there. It's not beyond her to make a move the minute you break up or even try to get your girl to cheat on you with her. She's trying to provide the greener grass on the other side of the fence, but as we all know the grass is only greener because of the manure that fertilises it.

The bible basher:

This is a nasty piece of work. Usually a player in top form that hides behind the bible so she doesn't have to face up to how nasty she really is. She's the type of "straight" or hasbian friend that always has a bible verse on her facebook status and likes to tell people what to do and how to live their lives when in the meantime they are stuck in the closet with all their skelletons. They are master manipulators and they have an undeniable knack for making you feel worthless and out of touch with your spirituality and they love forcing their fake god and fake beliefs on you because they themselves break hearts and mess around like champions.

All of us know at least one person like the abovementioned or maybe like myself you know a few of each. I've learn by now how to separate these nasties from true friends and I hope that this article might just equip you with enough savvy to see them coming too. If you already have a person like this in your life, send them packing they will only cause you harm. and if you are one of these devil dykes that I'm referring to, FUCK YOU, you give all lesbians a bad name!

Doc Jay


  1. Awesome article Doc!!

  2. So so true, and the bad lesbians are always the ones that are more in the public eye, while the rest of us go about our business and nobody sees the good in our hearts, life is one ironic son of a bitch ;)
