Confronting Your Myth

The Hole of isolation, loneliness, darkness, the ultimate desolation of one self. How you face it and keep moving on within ones own mind and body, how do one keep up with the fast pace when the shackles of darkness keeps pulling one down and away from ones own life, how do you endure the heart wrenching disabling deepness of the darkest shadows.

One endure and ride it out, searching and reading, enduring and learning from those days and nights, you go deep within and search for the reason for that deep hole to exist, the origin of those tears breaking so deep in your sole. Who, where, how, when and what started the deep desperation for your soul to holler so loudly for you to be able to hear it.

Depression many call it, Manic is the experience many find it, yet I call it my souls outlet to express to me and the wide universe as my art and writing is to my inner sanctum, thus is the black hole to my own souls discovery, finding the answers is not always immediately, usually only when I return from the dark. But finding it, I do, rediscovering myself this I do, even with one small exclamation from a child, I discover my souls reason for crying so loudly from the shadows of my past, discarding me into the darkness of the hole.

And every time I enter it and exit it, I know that the next entry would be more deeper than the first, but it will only be after many a time has passed, as it becomes fewer in between the better I know myself and my dark-dark secrets in life.

So enter it with an open minded soul as your soul is merely shouting for release from your own created prison, only to be found and released, as it is part of you, a part that you never wanted to know or be known, therefore you hid it from you and yourself.

Face the mythical mysteries of your inner being and you shall be free, no matter how bad it might seem.

The Mythical Mystery
Aka: Myth

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