I met her on a Saturday. She looked like a fairytale princess. I knew she was forbidden as something that beautiful can’t be kept. I saw her on a few occasions thereafter but not much was said between us and I could only admire her from afar. Until that night…
I saw her again that night, but this time it was different. Again, she looked like a princess. She sat weeping on the steps, someone had broken her heart. Seeing her like that broke my heart as I could not bare seeing her in so much pain. I offered her a smile, a few kind words and a shoulder. She accepted and it felt as if time stood still as my heart slowly melted. I felt it. Something I hadn’t felt in years. I’m falling in love…
As time was passing, we became closer and our connection grew stronger. As did my fondness of her. But I can’t tell her that. I’m scared, frightened as a child during a thunderstorm. I don’t want to lose her, I can’t.

I can see it in my mind’s eye, I can feel it in my soul, but I will never experience it and I cannot let her go…
Loved reading this, though it a bit sad... a debatable question is wheter it good to let go or not...